Downloading python for mac
Downloading python for mac

downloading python for mac

If nothing appears after you hit the Enter key, then you know Pygame has successfully been installed. To check that Pygame is install correctly, type the following into the interactive shell:

downloading python for mac

On Windows, double click on the downloaded file to install Pygame. For Linux, open a terminal and run " sudo apt-get install python-pygame". dmg file for the version of Python you have and run it.

Downloading python for mac mac os#

If you see a newer version on the website, download and install the newer Pygame.įor Mac OS X, download the. msi file for your version of Python.) The current version of Pygame at the time this book was written is 1.9.1. If you installed a different version of Python (such as 2.7 or 2.6) download the. (This is Pygame for Python 3.2 on Windows. For Windows, download the pygame-1.9.1.win32-p圓.2.msi file. You do not want to download the "source" for Pygame, but rather the Pygame "binary" for your operating system. You need to download the Pygame installer for your operating system and the version of Python you have installed. This book assumes you have the Windows operating system, but Pygame works the same for every operating system. In a web browser, go to the URL and click on the "Downloads" link on the left side of the web site. You will have to download and install Pygame, which is as easy as downloading and installing the Python interpreter. Like Python, Pygame is available for free.

Downloading python for mac